Taking notes: it’s hard to do well.

Obsidian Rocks is devoted to learning how to learn using one of the best note taking apps of the 21st century: Obsidian.

Note taking is a powerful force multiplier. No matter what you’re doing, taking great notes will make it better!

So let’s make some notes!

  • Mobile Quick Capture in Obsidian

    Mobile Quick Capture in Obsidian

    Last week I wrote about Obsidian Quick Capture from a desktop perspective. Now let’s talk about mobile quick capture! If you need a refresher, Quick Capture refers to the ability to quickly add a note to your Obsidian Vault. Quick Capture is an important tool, because most of us aren’t working in Obsidian all the…

  • Obsidian Quick Capture

    Obsidian Quick Capture

    I love Obsidian. But I have a problem: capturing new ideas is slow. What is the best way to do Obsidian Quick Capture? But I’m getting ahead of myself. First of all, what is Quick Capture? Quick Capture refers to the ability to capture an idea within an application quickly, without losing focus on your…

  • Handling Open Loops in Obsidian

    Handling Open Loops in Obsidian

    I have a problem, and you probably do to: I call it project incompletionism. A tendency to start more projects than we can finish. Seth Godin calls it The Dip. Stephen Pressfield calls it The Resistance. But it all points to one simple fact: Starting a new project is more fun than finishing one. I…

  • Tracking Note Dates in Obsidian

    Tracking Note Dates in Obsidian

    In Obsidian, there are often many ways to accomplish a single task. No matter what you want to do, you can usually find a way to do it in Obsidian. One thing that I like to do is track dates in Obsidian. When I create a note, I like each file to automatically have a…

  • Getting Started with Obsidian Themes

    Getting Started with Obsidian Themes

    I’ve long been a proponent of using Obsidian themes. It’s one of the first things I tell beginners. I find the default theme in Obsidian can be a bit overwhelming, and themes that clean up the interface can be a big help. With Obsidian themes the rewards are great, and the investment is small. Changing…

  • Creating Obsidian Goals

    Creating Obsidian Goals

    Here we are again: the start of a new year! Happy 2024, everyone! It’s the season in which many people create (and cough typically fail at) new years resolutions. Personally I’ve never been a big resolution person. But I am a big fan of goals. I’ve seen far too many people fail their resolutions, and…

  • Why isn’t Obsidian Open Source?

    Why isn’t Obsidian Open Source?

    Editors note: This article was originally published in July of 2022. It has since been updated and expanded. Many people have expressed concerns on the closed source development of the Obsidian application. Obsidian is a wonderful application used by people all over the world, and the concern is understandable. Why isn’t Obsidian open source? Why…

  • Upgrading Obsidian Tables

    Upgrading Obsidian Tables

    Obsidian tables have been upgraded in a big way. Obsidian now has a built-in table editor, which allows you to create and manage tables effortlessly. If you’ve struggled with Obsidian tables before, then struggle no longer! To create a table, you can use the command palette or the right-click context menu. Then you can add,…

  • The Obsidian Code Block

    The Obsidian Code Block

    The humble Obsidian code block. You might think you need something special to use it, but that is incorrect: Obsidian supports code blocks out of the box. Obsidian uses Markdown, which means that you can create code blocks using backticks. You can use a single backtick for inline code, `like this`, or three backtick “code…

  • How to Use Obsidian Community Plugins

    How to Use Obsidian Community Plugins

    Note: This article was originally published in July 2022. It has since been updated. Obsidian is a wonderful application all on its own, but you’re missing out if you haven’t at least tried some of the wonderful (and free!) community plugins that are available. Community Plugins are powerhouses that allow you to do all sorts…